Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Roads & Trails in Joshua Tree

Nature Trails

These are short, usually easy trails with signs along the way interpreting local features, formations, plants and wildlife. Arch Rock - .3 mile loop
Arch campground

Bajada - .25 mile loop
South of Cottonwood Springs, one-half mile from the southern park entrance.

Barker Dam - 1.1 mile loop
Barker Dam parking area.

Cap Rock - .4 mile loop
Cap Rock parking area at junction of Park Blvd. and Keys View Road.

Cholla Cactus Garden - .25 mile loop
20 miles north of Cottonwood Springs Visitor Center.

Cottonwood Spring - 1 mile
Cottonwood Spring parking area.

Hidden Valley - 1 mile loop
Hidden Valley picnic area.

Hi-View - 1.3 mile loop
Northwest of Black Rock Campground.

Indian Cove - .6 mile loop
West of Indian Cove Campground.

Keys View - .25 mile loop
Keys View

Skull Rock - .25 mile loop

Microhabitat - Cap Rock

A relict population - Hidden Valley

Disappearing soil - Arch Rock

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These items are historical in scope and are intended for educational purposes only; they are not meant as an aid for travel planning.
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